
How Much $$ Will Your Business Lose Today?

If you were to guess, just a guess; how much $$ would you say that you, your department, team or your organization loses every day simply because you or your team could not work through disagreements? What's your guess?
So here is some data from an old study, so the current numbers are probably 30 - 50% higher in 2019.
Back in 2008, U.S. employees spent 2.8 hours per week dealing with conflict. This amounts to approximately $359 billion in paid hours (based on average hourly earnings of $17.95), or the equivalent of 385 million working days.
The Daily Disagreement Dollar Drain!
This averages a whopping $6.28 per day per employee ! But even for a small company of 50 employees this can add up to an average of  $314 every Day ! Imagine throwing $314 every day down the drain.
In larger organizations you can see how this adds up. 1,000 employees and you are throwing over $6,000 down the drain due to dysfunctional disagreements!!
That's a lot of time spent and dollars lost in gossiping, protecting turf, retaliating, recruiting people to one side or the other, planning defenses and navigating the drama. More importantly, that's time not spent answering customer questions, filling orders or doing the job employees were hired to do.
What would you invest in a tool or strategy that helped you & your team work through disagreements? Do you think it's worth $200/day ?
Click Link here to find out the cost/benefit of an investment in our training programs on

