Breaking the CFO - CEO / Leader Language Barrier 

A guide for leaders to enhance their financial leadership effectiveness ...

Who this course is for

This course for CEOs, business owners, senior pastors, senior managers who are not 100% sure they grasp the lingo & language  of their CFO/CPA or their “Finance People”.

What are the leadership challenges?

The leadership challenges this course is created to address is the CFO- CEO language barrier. The problem is that the info that your CFO, CPA, or "Finance people "have is super critical to your success as a leader but they speak in "CFO / Finance jargon" and you have a hard time intepreting what they ar saying. Without understanding their language you are not able to even ask the right questions.

Learning Modules

Module I
Introduction & Definitions

Module II

100 frequently used CFO / Finance terms
10 things to look for on CFO reports
3 Clarifying Questions to ask your CFO when you are not sure what to ask

Module III

After taking this course you will ...

Have more meaningful dialog with your CFO/CPA/Finance Team


Be more knowledgeable on the finances of your organization


Be more effective in long term financial planning for your organization/dept


Course Creator/Instructor -
W Vernon Murray CPA MSc DBA


Leadership roles since 1990: CEO, CFO, Executive Director
Senior Church Administrator 400+ members

Founded 5 businesses leading 200+ staff/team members
& Business revenues $30 million +
Author 3 books on leadership & 100+ Whitepapers on leadership, business growth strategy
Graduate / Post Gradute degrees  in leadership & management
College Professor - Organizational Management Leadership
Leadership training for 6000+ leaders & managers

Here's what leaders who took this course are saying about this course !!!

Desmond Murray Phd - Professor, Andrews Unversity

John Nevins Andrews Medallion Awardee for leadership in education/science & reseearch and community leadership service.

Genesis Leadership principles shared in this book /course "Genesis Day Zero Leadership" is truly a revolutionary and pragmatic perspective on leadership. I have definitely incorporated many of these in my leadership roles here at Andrews University and in my community work.

Dr. Yvonne Larrier - Exec Director GCSCORED Inc

After taking the online course for my own leadership growth as i embarked on a new leadership role, I referred this to several other CEOs who have since told me that the course was one of the most insightful yet practcal trainings on leadership they have ever expereineced.

Genesis Leadership Training LLP
Business Performance Education Division
Atlanta GA USA